Unit Test Code Coverage
Unit test coverage in Message Broker works similarly to what developers are used to in other languages such as Java.
The “tracing” coverage works by using the inbuilt functionality in WMB/IIB that allows a user to “Trace” the code executed in a Node.
This trace information can then be converted into a coverage report and consumed in SonarQube.
Currently we support test coverage for:
- Msgflows
A standard BAR file is deployed to a running environment.
The tracing on the Node is started (and the previous trace cleared).
Then the test cases are run.
Once the tests are finished, turn off the tracing.
Extract the trace file from the Node (as XML).
Convert the XML file to a text file.
Consume the the text and produce a “generic code coverage report” in Sonarqube.
How is this different to instrumentation
The instrumentation method is a lot more invasion, and it can be slow. The Bar being tested with the instrumentation process is not valid for use in any other environment.
The Bar tested with tracing can be placed inside a repository (Nexus for example) and then used in your build pipe line.
The instrumented Bar cannot.
Coverage using tracing can only test ESQL (and indirectly some msgflows), instrumentation can cover ESQL, Msgflows, XSL and Java.
An example ANT script might look like the following
<?xml version=”1.0″?> <project name=”project” default=”run”> <property name=”IIB.DEPLOYBAR” value=”C:/Program Files/IBM/IIB/” /><property name=”IIB.EG” value=”CN_EG2″ /> <property name=”IIB.RUNTIME” value=”CoverageNode” /> <property name=”BUILD.NUMBER” value=”0.01″ /> <target name=”init” description=”"> <path id=”project.classpath”> <pathelement location=”C:\utils\bct\MB-precise-sonarplugin-3.21.jar” /> <pathelement location=”C:\utils\bct\commons-io-2.0.1.jar”/> <pathelement location=”C:\utils\bct\slf4j-api-1.7.5.jar”/> <pathelement location=”C:\utils\bct\slf4j-jdk14-1.7.7.jar”/> <pathelement location=”C:\utils\bct\commons-lang-2.6.jar”/> <pathelement location=”C:\utils\bct\xstream-1.4.7.jar”/> <pathelement location=”C:\utils\bct\plexus-utils-3.0.21.jar”/> <pathelement location=”C:\utils\bct\xmlpull-”/> <pathelement location=”C:\utils\bct\xpp3-”/> <pathelement location=”C:\utils\bct\javassist-3.12.1.GA.jar”/> <pathelement location=”C:\utils\bct\com.ibm.mqjms.jar”/> <pathelement location=”C:\utils\bct\javaparser-1.0.11.jar”/> </path> <typedef name=”urlTest” <typedef name=”mqTest” <property environment=”env” /> </target> <target name=”mqsideploybar” depends=”init”> <property environment=”env”/> <echo message=”==============================================” /> <java classname=”com.ibm.broker.config.util.Deploy” failonerror=”true” fork=”true”> <echo message=”Completed building Broker Archive file – ${APP.NAME}-${BUILD.NUMBER}.bar ” /> <target name=”run” description=”" depends=”mqsideploybar”> mqsichangetrace CoverageTraceNode -u -e CN_EG1 -f PG1 -l none -c 20000 –r <!– <!– mqsichangetrace <broker_name> -u -e <eg_name> -f <flow_name> -l none -c 20000 –r <echo message=”================================” /> <exec executable=”mqsichangetrace”> <echo message=”================================” /> <parallel> <sleep seconds=”2″/> <echo message=”================================” /> <exec executable=”mqsireadlog”> <echo message=”================================” /> <exec executable=”mqsiformatlog”> <echo message=”================================” /> <exec executable=”mqsichangetrace”> <echo message=”================================” /> <antcall target=”consumeTraceFile” /> </target> <echo message=”===============================================” /> <consumeTrace </target> <target name=”runtests” > <echo message=”Sleeping at start of test…” /> <parallel> <sleep seconds=”1″/> <mqTest queueName=”Q1″ queueManagerName=”testqm1″ channelName=”test.channel” port=”1414″ logMessage=”FALSE” fileName=”testdata\test1.txt” /> <echo message=”Running test: http://localhost:7800/Test1″ /> <sleep seconds=”2″/> </target> </project>