
What we do for Sterling/Gentran developers

We provide plugins compatible with the SonarQubeTM platform that have been developed to assist the understanding of your Sterling/Gentran workflows.

This goes beyond metrics that developers in other languages might take for granted, such as lines of code and the number of code files and includes metrics useful to understanding Sterling flows. Such as the number of operations, sequences, processes, locks and SQL used (among others).

Standard support for Sterling development includes:

  • syntax highlighting of Sterling key words

Metrics that are provided include:

  • number of processes
  • number of operations
  • number of paths through a flow
  • relative complexity of Sterling code

We have also created rules and violations that help improve the codes performance and reduce the codes complexity.
These include:

  • naming standards for operations and sequences
  • complicated condition detection
  • validating SQL against a database schema (when a user has been configured)
  • standards for placement of onFault handlers
  • consistent use of locks
  • depth of logic
  • matching MQ usage against MQ configuration files
  • with more to come ….

What this means to businesses that make use of our plugins is that you get:

  • Cleaner code
  • Less code
  • More efficient code
  • More correct code

Plus the benefit of allowing developers to be able to view and drill down into all your code via SONAR. Order by file size or number of operations’s or number of violations.

All this means, in the long term, cheaper code, that’s easier to understand, maintain and gets you a faster time to market.