When we analyze code as part of the SonarQube analysis, we develop a complex understanding of your code.
We have code that covers the usage of MQ input and Output queues, HTTP and HTTPS connections, access to files using file read and writes nodes and many others.
We are able to generate diagrams and documentation of your system from your code to assist with understanding the various components.
Adding the following line in the “sonarqube.properties” file used in the analysis will direct the plugin to generate the associated document to the file system to be able to published using which ever technology is most appropriate for your organization.
This might be
- webserver (Apache, IIS, NGINX, etc)
- GitLab pges
- GitHub pages
# directory for publishing sonar.mb.flow.diagram.output=folder/generated_diagrams |
This will produce a diagram and a summary like the following:

Once the diagram has been generated you will receive details on:
All flows
Including all comments and notes, which subflows are included and some other details.
Queue summary
Including all queues identified and any associated flow usage.
Kafka consumer summary
Including Kafka topics and any associated flow usage.
IMS requests summary
Including IMS requests usage and associated flow and datastore usage.